Kim Ahlstrøm Jakobsen, Alex B. Andersen, Katja Hose, Torben Bach Pedersen
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2015) co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015)
In today's data-driven world, analytical querying, typically based on the data cube concept, is the cornerstone of answering important business questions and making data-driven decisions. Traditionally, the underlying analytical data was mostly internal to the organization and stored in relational data ware houses and data cubes. Today, external data sources are essential for analytics and, as the Semantic Web gains popularity, more and more external sources are available in native RDF. With the recent SPARQL 1.1 standard, performing analytical queries over RDF data sources has finally become feasible. However, unlike their relational counterparts, RDF data cubes stores lack optimizations that enable fast querying. In this paper, we present an approach to optimizing RDF data cubes that is based on three novel cube patterns that optimize RDF data cubes, as well as associated algorithms that transform the RDF data cube. An extensive experimental evaluation shows that the approach allows trading additional storage and/or load times in return for significantly increased query performance. We further provide guidelines for which patterns to apply for specific scenarios and systems.
The implementation and the code for running the experiments are available at the following two GitHub projects.
This program generates a series of SPARQL construct queries that create the snowflake pattern and fully denormalized pattern cubes.
This Java program uses Apache Maven to manage dependencies.
The SWOD Tools project contains generated SPARQL queries, thus it is not necessary to run the SWOD program in order to run the experiments.
These tools will allow you to generate the TPC-H data in triples (, load the data into Virtuoso and Apache Jena (, run the TPC-H queries on the triple stores (, and analyse the results by comparing the queries (,
All scripts are written in bash and Python, which might result in some problem on windows systems.
The batch scripts take a series of "sources" as input, these modular configurations files are located in the "source" folder. Be aware the these configuration files need to be set up manually before running any of the programs.
The Python scripts have a help flag (--help) that displays the allowed parameters.
Download and install the following program
Create configuration files (source files) that match your system (source/machine/) and wanted configuration (scale factor etc.)
Generate or download the dataset
Generation requires Virtuoso for running the construct queries
Install Virtuoso or Apache Jena
Load the data into the Jena TDB or Virtuoso by using the appropriate configuration files
Change the querymix configuration (source/) to match which queries you want to execute, run the program to propagate these settings.
Run the script with the appropriate configuration files to start the experiments
Use the on the generated logfiles (logs/) to extract and aggregate the query times.
The experiments can now be compare using the script
Feel free to post bug report and ask questions.
Scale 0.1 | Scale 0.2 | Scale 0.3 | Scale 0.5 | |
Snowflake | Download | Download | Download | Download |
Star | Download | Download | Download | Download |
Denormalized | Download | Download | Download | Download |
prefix xsd: <> prefix ltpch: <>
select ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?sum_qty) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice))*100)/100 as ?sum_base_price) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))*100)/100 as ?sum_disc_price) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*(1 + xsd:decimal(?l_linetax)))*100)/100 as ?sum_charge) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))*100)/100 as ?avg_qty) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice))*100)/100 as ?avg_price) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*100)/100 as ?avg_disc) (count(1) as ?count_order) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_linestatus ?l_linestatus ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linetax ?l_linetax ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . filter (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("day", -%DELTA%, "1998-12-01"^^xsd:date)))) } group by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus order by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus
select ?s_acctbal, ?s_name, ?nation_name, ?p_partkey, ?p_mfgr, ?s_address, ?s_phone, ?s_comment where { ?ps a ltpch:partsupp; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp; ltpch:ps_has_part ?part ; ltpch:ps_supplycost ?minsc . ?supp a ltpch:supplier ; ltpch:s_acctbal ?s_acctbal ; ltpch:s_name ?s_name ; ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_has_nation ; ltpch:s_address ?s_address ; ltpch:s_phone ?s_phone ; ltpch:s_comment ?s_comment . ?s_has_nation ltpch:n_name ?nation_name ; ltpch:n_has_region ?s_has_region . ?s_has_region ltpch:r_name "%REGION%" . ?part a ltpch:part ; ltpch:p_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:p_mfgr ?p_mfgr ; ltpch:p_size "%SIZE%" ; ltpch:p_type ?p_type . { select ?part min(?s_cost) as ?minsc where { ?ps a ltpch:partsupp; ltpch:ps_has_part ?part; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?ms; ltpch:ps_supplycost ?s_cost . ?ms ltpch:s_has_nation ?m_has_nation . ?m_has_nation ltpch:n_has_region ?m_has_region . ?m_has_region ltpch:r_name "%REGION%" . } } filter (?p_type like "%%TYPE%") } order by desc (?s_acctbal) ?nation_name ?s_name ?p_partkey limit 100
select ?o_orderkey (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . ?ord ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:o_shippriority ?o_shippriority ; ltpch:o_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust . ?cust ltpch:c_mktsegment ?c_mktsegment . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime("%DATE%"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) > xsd:dateTime("%DATE%"^^xsd:date)) && (?c_mktsegment = "%SEGMENT%") ) } group by ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority order by desc (sum (xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) ?o_orderdate limit 10
select ?o_orderpriority (count(*) as ?order_count) where { { select distinct ?o_orderpriority ?ord where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate . ?ord ltpch:o_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority ; ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter ( (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)))) ) } } } group by ?o_orderpriority order by ?o_orderpriority
select ?nation (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust ; ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_nation . ?s_nation ltpch:n_has_region ?s_region ; ltpch:n_name ?nation . ?s_region ltpch:r_name ?r_name . ?cust ltpch:c_has_nation ?c_nation. filter ((?c_nation = ?s_nation) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1,"%YEAR%-01-01" ^^xsd:date))) && (?r_name = "%REGION%") ) } group by ?nation order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))))
select (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . filter ( (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) >= %DISCOUNT% - 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) <= %DISCOUNT% + 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < %QUANTITY%) ) }
select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year (sum (?volume) as ?revenue) where { { select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust . ?cust ltpch:c_has_nation ?custn . ?custn ltpch:n_name ?cust_nation . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_has_nation ?suppn . ?suppn ltpch:n_name ?supp_nation . BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?l_shipdate), 1,4) as ?li_year) filter (( (?cust_nation = "%NATION1%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION2%") || (?cust_nation = "%NATION2%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION1%") ) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:dateTime("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date)) ) } } } group by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year order by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year
select ?o_year ((?sum1 / ?sum2) as ?mkt_share) where { { select ?o_year (sum (?volume * bif:equ (?nation, "%NATION%")) as ?sum1) (sum (?volume) as ?sum2) where { { select ((YEAR (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate))) as ?o_year) ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) ?nation where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?s_supplier . ?s_supplier ltpch:s_has_nation ?n2 . ?n2 ltpch:n_name ?nation . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . ?part ltpch:p_type ?type . ?ord ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:o_has_customer ?c_customer . ?c_customer ltpch:c_has_nation ?n_nation . ?n_nation ltpch:n_has_region ?r_region . ?r_region ltpch:r_name ?region. filter ((xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) <= xsd:dateTime("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date) && ?region = "%REGION%" && ?type = "%TYPE%") ) } } } group by ?o_year } } order by ?o_year
select ?nation ?o_year (sum(?amount) as ?sum_profit) where { { select ?nation ?o_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) - xsd:decimal(?ps_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?amount) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_nation . ?s_nation ltpch:n_name ?nation . ?ord ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate . ?ps ltpch:ps_supplycost ?ps_supplycost . ?part ltpch:p_name ?p_name . filter (REGEX (?p_name, "%COLOR%")) BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?o_orderdate), 1,4) as ?o_year) } } } group by ?nation ?o_year order by ?nation desc (?o_year)
select ?c_custkey ?c_companyName (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust ; ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate . ?cust ltpch:c_address ?c_address ; ltpch:c_phone ?c_phone ; ltpch:c_comment ?c_comment ; ltpch:c_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:c_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:c_has_nation ?c_nation ; ltpch:c_name ?c_companyName . ?c_nation ltpch:n_name ?nation . filter ((xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)))) && (xsd:boolean(?l_returnflag = "R")) ) } group by ?c_custkey ?c_companyName ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) limit 20
select ?bigpspart, ?bigpsvalue where { { select ?bigpspart, sum(xsd:decimal(?b_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?b_availqty)) as ?bigpsvalue where { ?bigps a ltpch:partsupp ; ltpch:ps_has_part ?bigpspart ; ltpch:ps_supplycost ?b_supplycost ; ltpch:ps_availqty ?b_availqty ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?b_supplier . ?b_supplier ltpch:s_has_nation ?b_nation . ?b_nation ltpch:n_name "%NATION%" . } } filter (?bigpsvalue > ( select (sum(xsd:decimal(?t_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?t_availqty) * %FRACTION%)) as ?threshold where { ?thr_ps a ltpch:partsupp ; ltpch:ps_has_part ?t_part ; ltpch:ps_supplycost ?t_supplycost ; ltpch:ps_availqty ?t_availqty ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?t_supplier . ?t_supplier ltpch:s_has_nation ?t_nation . ?t_nation ltpch:n_name "%NATION%" . } ) ) } order by desc (?bigpsvalue)
select ?l_shipmode (sum ( bif:__or ( bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT"), bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?high_line_count) (sum (1 - bif:__or ( bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT"), bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?low_line_count) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . ?ord ltpch:o_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority . filter (xsd:boolean(?l_shipmode in ("%SHIPMODE1%", "%SHIPMODE2%")) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)))) ) } group by ?l_shipmode order by ?l_shipmode
select ?c_count (count(1) as ?custdist) where { { select ?c_custkey (count (?ord) as ?c_count) where { ?cust ltpch:c_custkey ?c_custkey . optional { ?ord a ltpch:orders ; ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust ; ltpch:o_comment ?o_comment . filter (!( REGEX (?o_comment , "%WORD1%.*%WORD2%" ) ) ) . } } group by ?c_custkey } } group by ?c_count order by desc (count(1)) desc (?c_count)
select (100 * sum(bif:equ(bif:LEFT(?p_type, 5), "PROMO") * xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (xsd:decimal(1) - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) / sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (xsd:decimal(1) - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?promo_revenue where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . ?part ltpch:p_type ?p_type . filter (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd("month", 1, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) ) }
select ?s_suppkey ?s_name ?s_address ?s_phone ?total_revenue where { ?supplier a ltpch:supplier ; ltpch:s_suppkey ?s_suppkey ; ltpch:s_name ?s_name ; ltpch:s_address ?s_address ; ltpch:s_phone ?s_phone . { select ?supplier (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_discount))) as ?total_revenue) where { ?li1 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps1 . ?ps1 ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supplier . filter ( xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) ) } group by ?supplier } { select (max (?l2_total_revenue) as ?maxtotal) where { { select ?supplier2 (sum(xsd:decimal(?l2_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l2_discount))) as ?l2_total_revenue) where { ?li2 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l2_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l2_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l2_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supplier2 . filter ( xsd:dateTime(?l2_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:dateTime(?l2_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) ) } group by ?supplier2 } } } filter (?total_revenue = ?maxtotal) } order by ?supplier
select ?p_brand, ?p_type, ?p_size, (count(distinct ?supp)) as ?supplier_cnt where { ?ps a ltpch:partsupp ; ltpch:ps_has_part ?part ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?part ltpch:p_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:p_type ?p_type ; ltpch:p_size ?p_size . filter ( (?p_brand != "%BRAND%") && !(?p_type like "%TYPE%%") && (xsd:integer(?p_size) in (%SIZE1%, %SIZE2%, %SIZE3%, %SIZE4%, %SIZE5%, %SIZE6%, %SIZE7%, %SIZE8%)) ) filter NOT EXISTS { ?supp a ltpch:supplier; ltpch:s_comment ?badcomment . filter (?badcomment like "%Customer%Complaints%") } } group by ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size order by desc ((count(distinct ?supp))) ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) / 7.0) as ?avg_yearly) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . ?part ltpch:p_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:p_container ?p_container . { select ?part ((0.2 * avg(xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity))) as ?threshold) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . } group by ?part } filter (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < ?threshold && REGEX(?p_brand,"%BRAND%","i") && ?p_container = "%CONTAINER%") }
select ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?l_quantity) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . ?ord ltpch:o_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:o_ordertotalprice ?o_ordertotalprice ; ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust . ?cust ltpch:c_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:c_name ?c_name . { select ?sum_order (sum (xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity)) as ?sum_q) where { ?li2 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_order ?sum_order . } group by ?sum_order } . filter (?sum_order = ?ord && xsd:decimal(?sum_q) > xsd:decimal(%QUANTITY%)) } group by ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice order by desc (?o_ordertotalprice) ?o_orderdate limit 100
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipinstruct ?l_shipinstruct ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . ?part ltpch:p_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:p_size ?p_size ; ltpch:p_container ?p_container . filter (?l_shipmode in ("AIR", "AIR REG") && ?l_shipinstruct = "DELIVER IN PERSON" && ( ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND1%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("SM CASE", "SM BOX", "SM PACK", "SM PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY1%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY1% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 5) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND2%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("MED BAG", "MED BOX", "MED PKG", "MED PACK")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY2%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY2% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 10) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND3%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("LG CASE", "LG BOX", "LG PACK", "LG PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY3%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY3% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 15) ) ) ) }
select ?s_name ?s_address where { ?supp ltpch:s_name ?s_name ; ltpch:s_address ?s_address . { select distinct ?supp where { ?big_ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part ; ltpch:ps_availqty ?big_ps_availqty ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_nation . ?s_nation ltpch:n_name ?n_name . ?part ltpch:p_name ?p_name . filter (REGEX (?p_name , "^%COLOR%") && ?n_name = "%NATION%" && xsd:decimal(?big_ps_availqty) > ?qty_threshold) { select ((0.5 * sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))) as ?qty_threshold) ?big_ps where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?big_ps . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) ) } group by ?big_ps } } } } order by ?s_name
select ?s_name (count(1) as ?numwait) where { ?li1 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l1_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l1_commitdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_name ?s_name ; ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_nation . ?ord ltpch:o_orderstatus ?orderstatus . ?s_nation ltpch:n_name ?name filter ( xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l1_receiptdate) > xsd:dateTime(?l1_commitdate)) && ?name = "%NATION%" && ?orderstatus = "F" ) filter exists { ?li2 ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp2 . filter (?supp != ?supp2) } filter not exists { ?li3 ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l3_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l3_commitdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps3 . ?ps3 ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp3 . filter ( xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l3_receiptdate) > xsd:dateTime(?l3_commitdate)) && ?supp3 != ?supp ) } } group by ?s_name order by desc (count(1)) ?s_name limit 100
select (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2)) as ?cntrycode, (count (1)) as ?numcust, sum (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal)) as ?totacctbal where { ?cust a ltpch:customer ; ltpch:c_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:c_phone ?c_phone . { select (avg (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2))) as ?acctbal_threshold where { ?cust2 a ltpch:customer ; ltpch:c_acctbal ?c_acctbal2 ; ltpch:c_phone ?c_phone2 . filter ((xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2) > 0.00) && bif:LEFT (?c_phone2, 2) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) ) } } filter ( bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) && (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal) > ?acctbal_threshold ) ) filter not exists { ?ord ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust } } group by (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2)) order by (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2))
prefix xsd: <> prefix ltpch: <>
select ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?sum_qty) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice))*100)/100 as ?sum_base_price) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))*100)/100 as ?sum_disc_price) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*(1 + xsd:decimal(?l_linetax)))*100)/100 as ?sum_charge) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))*100)/100 as ?avg_qty) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice))*100)/100 as ?avg_price) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*100)/100 as ?avg_disc) (count(1) as ?count_order) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_linestatus ?l_linestatus ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linetax ?l_linetax ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . filter (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("day", -%DELTA%, "1998-12-01"^^xsd:date))) } group by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus order by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus
select ?s_acctbal, ?s_name, ?nation_name, ?p_partkey, ?p_mfgr, ?s_address, ?s_phone, ?s_comment where { ?ps ltpch:supplier_acctbal ?s_acctbal ; ltpch:supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?minsc ; ltpch:supplier_address ?s_address ; ltpch:supplier_phone ?s_phone ; ltpch:supplier_comment ?s_comment ; ltpch:nation_name ?nation_name ; ltpch:region_name "%REGION%" ; ltpch:part_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:part_mfgr ?p_mfgr ; ltpch:part_size ?size ; ltpch:part_type ?p_type . FILTER (?size = str(%SIZE%) && contains(?p_type, "%TYPE%")) { select ?p_partkey min(?s_cost) as ?minsc where { ?ps ltpch:part_partkey ?p_partkey; ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?s_cost ; ltpch:region_name ?region2 . filter (?region2 = "%REGION%") } } } order by desc (?s_acctbal) ?nation_name ?s_name ?p_partkey limit 100
select ?o_orderkey (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_shippriority ?o_shippriority ; ltpch:order_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:customer_mktsegment ?c_mktsegment . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime("%DATE%"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) > xsd:dateTime("%DATE%"^^xsd:date)) && (?c_mktsegment = "%SEGMENT%") ) } group by ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority order by desc (sum (xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) ?o_orderdate limit 10
select ?o_orderpriority (count(*) as ?order_count) where { { select distinct ?o_orderpriority ?ord where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate . ?ord ltpch:order_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority ; ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter ( (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)))) ) } } } group by ?o_orderpriority order by ?o_orderpriority
select ?nation (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:nation_name ?c_nation . ?ps ltpch:nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:region_name ?r_name . filter ((?c_nation = ?nation) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1,"%YEAR%-01-01" ^^xsd:date))) && (?r_name = "%REGION%") ) } group by ?nation order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))))
select (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . filter ( (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) >= %DISCOUNT% - 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) <= %DISCOUNT% + 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < %QUANTITY%) ) }
select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year (sum (xsd:decimal(?volume)) as ?revenue) where { { select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:nation_name ?cust_nation . ?ps ltpch:nation_name ?supp_nation . BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?l_shipdate), 1,4) as ?li_year) filter (( (?cust_nation = "%NATION1%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION2%") || (?cust_nation = "%NATION2%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION1%") ) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:dateTime("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date)) ) } } } group by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year order by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year
select ?o_year ((?sum1 / ?sum2) as ?mkt_share) where { { select ?o_year (sum (?volume * bif:equ (?nation, "%NATION%")) as ?sum1) (sum (?volume) as ?sum2) where { { select ((YEAR(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate))) as ?o_year) ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) ?nation where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ps ltpch:nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:part_type ?type . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:region_name ?region . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) <= xsd:dateTime("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date) && ?region = "%REGION%" && ?type = "%TYPE%") ) } } } group by ?o_year } } order by ?o_year
select ?nation ?o_year (sum(?amount) as ?sum_profit) where { { select ?nation ?o_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) - xsd:decimal(?ps_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?amount) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ps ltpch:nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?ps_supplycost ; ltpch:part_name ?p_name . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter (REGEX (?p_name, "%COLOR%")) BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?o_orderdate), 1,4) as ?o_year) } } } group by ?nation ?o_year order by ?nation desc (?o_year)
select ?c_custkey ?c_companyName (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:customer_address ?c_address ; ltpch:customer_phone ?c_phone ; ltpch:customer_comment ?c_comment ; ltpch:customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:customer_name ?c_companyName ; ltpch:nation_name ?nation . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) && (?l_returnflag = "R") ) } group by ?c_custkey ?c_companyName ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) limit 20
select ?bigpspart, ?bigpsvalue where { { select ?bigpspart, sum(xsd:decimal(?b_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?b_availqty)) as ?bigpsvalue where { ?bigps ltpch:part_partkey ?bigpspart ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?b_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_availqty ?b_availqty ; ltpch:nation_name "%NATION%" . } } filter (?bigpsvalue > ( select (sum(xsd:decimal(?t_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?t_availqty)) * %FRACTION%) as ?threshold where { ?thr_ps ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?t_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_availqty ?t_availqty ; ltpch:nation_name "%NATION%" . } )) } order by desc (?bigpsvalue)
select ?l_shipmode (sum ( bif:__or ( bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT"), bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?high_line_count) (sum (1 - bif:__or ( bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT"), bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?low_line_count) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . ?ord ltpch:order_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority . filter (xsd:boolean(?l_shipmode in ("%SHIPMODE1%", "%SHIPMODE2%")) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)))) ) } group by ?l_shipmode order by ?l_shipmode
select ?c_count (count(1) as ?custdist) where { { select ?c_custkey (count (?o_comment) as ?c_count) where { ?ord ltpch:customer_custkey ?c_custkey . optional { ?ord ltpch:order_comment ?o_comment . filter (!( REGEX (?o_comment , "%WORD1%.*%WORD2%" ) ) ) . } } group by ?c_custkey } } group by ?c_count order by desc (count(1)) desc (?c_count)
select ((100 * ?sum1 / ?sum2 ) as ?promo_revenue) where { select (sum ( bif:equ(SUBSTR(?p_type, 1, 5), "PROMO") * xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) ) as ?sum1) (sum (xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) ) as ?sum2) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?part . ?part ltpch:part_type ?p_type . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd("month", 1, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) ) } }
select distinct ?s_suppkey ?s_name ?s_address ?s_phone ?total_revenue where { ?partsupp ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey ; ltpch:supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:supplier_address ?s_address ; ltpch:supplier_phone ?s_phone . { select ?s_suppkey ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_discount)))) as ?total_revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey . filter ( xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) ) } group by ?s_suppkey } . { select (max (?l2_total_revenue) as ?maxtotal) where { { select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l2_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l2_discount)))) as ?l2_total_revenue) where { ?li2 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l2_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l2_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l2_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey2 . filter ( xsd:dateTime(?l2_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:dateTime(?l2_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) ) } group by ?s_suppkey2 } } } filter (?total_revenue = ?maxtotal) } order by ?s_suppkey
select ?p_brand, ?p_type, ?p_size, (count(distinct ?supp)) as ?supplier_cnt where { ?ps ltpch:part_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:part_type ?p_type ; ltpch:part_size ?p_size ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?supp . filter ( (?p_brand != "%BRAND%") && !(?p_type like "%TYPE%%") && (xsd:integer(?p_size) in (%SIZE1%, %SIZE2%, %SIZE3%, %SIZE4%, %SIZE5%, %SIZE6%, %SIZE7%, %SIZE8%)) ) filter NOT EXISTS { ?ps ltpch:supplier_comment ?badcomment . filter (?badcomment like "%Customer%Complaints%") } } group by ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size order by desc ((count(distinct ?supp))) ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) / 7.0) as ?avg_yearly) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:part_partkey ?p_partkey. { select ?p_partkey ((0.2 * avg(xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity))) as ?threshold) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:part_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:part_container ?p_container ; ltpch:part_brand ?p_brand . filter (REGEX(?p_brand,"%BRAND%","i") && ?p_container = "%CONTAINER%" ) } group by ?p_partkey } filter (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < xsd:decimal(?threshold)) }
select ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?l_quantity) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . ?ord ltpch:order_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_ordertotalprice ?o_ordertotalprice ; ltpch:customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:customer_name ?c_name . { select ?ord (sum (xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity)) as ?sum_q) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . } group by ?ord } . filter (?sum_q > %QUANTITY%) } group by ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice order by desc (?o_ordertotalprice) ?o_orderdate limit 100
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipinstruct ?l_shipinstruct . ?ps ltpch:part_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:part_size ?p_size ; ltpch:part_container ?p_container . filter (?l_shipmode in ("AIR", "AIR REG") && ?l_shipinstruct = "DELIVER IN PERSON" && ( ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND1%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("SM CASE", "SM BOX", "SM PACK", "SM PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY1%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY1% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 5) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND2%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("MED BAG", "MED BOX", "MED PKG", "MED PACK")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY2%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY2% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 10) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND3%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("LG CASE", "LG BOX", "LG PACK", "LG PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY3%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY3% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 15) ) ) ) }
select distinct ?s_name ?s_address where { ?supp ltpch:supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:supplier_address ?s_address . { select distinct ?suppkey where { ?big_ps ltpch:partsupplier_availqty ?big_ps_availqty ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:nation_name ?n_name ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:part_partkey ?partkey ; ltpch:part_name ?p_name . FILTER(REGEX (?p_name , "^%COLOR%") && ?n_name = "%NATION%") . { select ?partkey ?suppkey ((0.5 * sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))) as ?qty_threshold) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?big_ps . ?big_ps ltpch:part_partkey ?partkey ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey . FILTER ((xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) ) } group by ?partkey ?suppkey } . FILTER(xsd:decimal(?big_ps_availqty) > ?qty_threshold) . } } } order by ?s_name
select ?s_name ((count(1)) as ?numwait) where { ?li1 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l1_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l1_commitdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . ?ps ltpch:supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:nation_name ?n_name . ?ord ltpch:order_orderstatus ?o_orderstatus . filter ( xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l1_receiptdate) > xsd:dateTime(?l1_commitdate)) && ?n_name = "%NATION%" && ?o_orderstatus = "F") filter exists { ?li2 ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey2 . filter (?suppkey != ?suppkey2) } filter not exists { ?li3 ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l3_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l3_commitdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps3 . ?ps3 ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey3 . filter ( xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l3_receiptdate) > xsd:dateTime(?l3_commitdate)) && ?suppkey3 != ?suppkey ) } } group by ?s_name order by desc (count(1)) ?s_name limit 100
select (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2)) as ?cntrycode, (count (1)) as ?numcust, sum (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal)) as ?totacctbal where { ?cust ltpch:customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:customer_phone ?c_phone . { select (avg (?acctbal2)) as ?acctbal_threshold where { select (avg (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2))) as ?acctbal2 where { ?cust2 ltpch:customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal2 ; ltpch:customer_custkey ?custkey2 ; ltpch:customer_phone ?c_phone2 . filter ((xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2) > 0.00) && bif:LEFT (?c_phone2, 2) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) ) } group by ?custkey2 } } filter ( bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) && (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal) > ?acctbal_threshold ) ) filter not exists { ?cust ltpch:order_orderkey ?orderkey } } group by (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2)) order by (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2))
prefix xsd: <> prefix ltpch: <>
select ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?sum_qty) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice))*100)/100 as ?sum_base_price) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))*100)/100 as ?sum_disc_price) (ROUND(sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*(1 + xsd:decimal(?l_linetax)))*100)/100 as ?sum_charge) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))*100)/100 as ?avg_qty) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice))*100)/100 as ?avg_price) (ROUND(avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*100)/100 as ?avg_disc) (count(1) as ?count_order) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_linestatus ?l_linestatus ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linetax ?l_linetax ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . filter (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("day", -%DELTA%, "1998-12-01"^^xsd:date)))) } group by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus order by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus
select distinct ?s_acctbal, ?s_name, ?nation_name, ?p_partkey, ?p_mfgr, ?s_address, ?s_phone, ?s_comment where { ?ps ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_acctbal ?s_acctbal ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?minsc ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_address ?s_address ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_phone ?s_phone ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_comment ?s_comment ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?nation_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_region_name "%REGION%" ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_mfgr ?p_mfgr ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_size ?size ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_type ?p_type . FILTER (?size = str(%SIZE%) && contains(?p_type, "%TYPE%")) { select ?p_partkey min(?s_cost) as ?minsc where { ?ps ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?p_partkey; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?s_cost ; ltpch:partsupplier_region_name ?region2 . filter (?region2 = "%REGION%") } } } order by desc (?s_acctbal) ?nation_name ?s_name ?p_partkey limit 100
select ?o_orderkey (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_order_shippriority ?o_shippriority ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:order_customer_mktsegment ?c_mktsegment . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime("%DATE%"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) > xsd:dateTime("%DATE%"^^xsd:date)) && (?c_mktsegment = "%SEGMENT%") ) } group by ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority order by desc (sum (xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) ?o_orderdate limit 10
select ?o_orderpriority (count(*) as ?order_count) where { { select distinct ?o_orderpriority ?ordkey where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate ; ltpch:order_order_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?ordkey ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter ( (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)))) ) } } } group by ?o_orderpriority order by ?o_orderpriority
select ?nation (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_nation_name ?c_nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_region_name ?r_name . filter ((?c_nation = ?nation) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1,"%YEAR%-01-01" ^^xsd:date))) && (?r_name = "%REGION%") ) } group by ?nation order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))))
select (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . filter ( (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) >= %DISCOUNT% - 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) <= %DISCOUNT% + 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < %QUANTITY%) ) }
select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year (sum (xsd:decimal(?volume)) as ?revenue) where { { select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:order_nation_name ?cust_nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?supp_nation . BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?l_shipdate), 1,4) as ?li_year) filter (( (?cust_nation = "%NATION1%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION2%") || (?cust_nation = "%NATION2%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION1%") ) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:dateTime("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date)) ) } } } group by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year order by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year
select ?o_year ((?sum1 / ?sum2) as ?mkt_share) where { { select ?o_year (sum (?volume * bif:equ (?nation, "%NATION%")) as ?sum1) (sum (?volume) as ?sum2) where { { select ((YEAR(xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate))) as ?o_year) ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) ?nation where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_type ?type ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_region_name ?region . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) <= xsd:dateTime("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date) && ?region = "%REGION%" && ?type = "%TYPE%") ) } } } group by ?o_year } } order by ?o_year
select ?nation ?o_year (sum(?amount) as ?sum_profit) where { { select ?nation ?o_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) - xsd:decimal(?ps_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?amount) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?ps_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_name ?p_name ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter (REGEX (?p_name, "%COLOR%")) BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?o_orderdate), 1,4) as ?o_year) } } } group by ?nation ?o_year order by ?nation desc (?o_year)
select ?c_custkey ?c_companyName (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_customer_address ?c_address ; ltpch:order_customer_phone ?c_phone ; ltpch:order_customer_comment ?c_comment ; ltpch:order_customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:order_customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:order_customer_name ?c_companyName ; ltpch:order_nation_name ?nation . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?o_orderdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) && (?l_returnflag = "R") ) } group by ?c_custkey ?c_companyName ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) limit 20
select ?bigpspart, ?bigpsvalue where { { select ?bigpspart, sum(xsd:decimal(?b_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?b_availqty)) as ?bigpsvalue where { { select ?bigpspart, ?b_supplycost, ?b_availqty where { ?bigps ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?bigpspart ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?b_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?b_suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_availqty ?b_availqty ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name "%NATION%" . } group by ?bigpspart ?b_suppkey } } } filter (?bigpsvalue > ( select (sum(xsd:decimal(?t_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?t_availqty)) * %FRACTION%) as ?threshold where { { select ?t_partkey, ?t_supplycost, ?t_availqty where { ?thr_ps ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?t_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_availqty ?t_availqty ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name "%NATION%" ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?t_suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?t_partkey . } group by ?t_partkey ?t_suppkey } } )) } order by desc (?bigpsvalue)
select ?l_shipmode (sum ( bif:__or ( bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT"), bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?high_line_count) (sum (1 - bif:__or ( bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT"), bif:equ (?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?low_line_count) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:order_order_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority . filter (xsd:boolean(?l_shipmode in ("%SHIPMODE1%", "%SHIPMODE2%")) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(?l_commitdate))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) && (xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l_receiptdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)))) ) } group by ?l_shipmode order by ?l_shipmode
select ?c_count (count(1) as ?custdist) where { { select ?c_custkey (count (distinct ?o_comment) as ?c_count) where { ?li2 ltpch:order_customer_custkey ?c_custkey . optional { ?li2 ltpch:order_order_comment ?o_comment . filter (!( REGEX (?o_comment , "%WORD1%.*%WORD2%" ) ) ) . } } group by ?c_custkey order by ?c_custkey } } group by ?c_count order by desc (count(1)) desc (?c_count)
select ((100 * ?sum1 / ?sum2 ) as ?promo_revenue) where { select (sum ( bif:equ(SUBSTR(?p_type, 1, 5), "PROMO") * xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) ) as ?sum1) (sum (xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) ) as ?sum2) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_type ?p_type . filter ((xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd("month", 1, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date))) ) } }
select distinct ?s_suppkey ?s_name ?s_address ?s_phone ?total_revenue where { ?partsupp ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_address ?s_address ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_phone ?s_phone . { select ?s_suppkey ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_discount)))) as ?total_revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey . filter ( xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) ) } group by ?s_suppkey } . { select (max (?l2_total_revenue) as ?maxtotal) where { { select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l2_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l2_discount)))) as ?l2_total_revenue) where { ?li2 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l2_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l2_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l2_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey2 . filter ( xsd:dateTime(?l2_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:dateTime(?l2_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("month", 3, "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) ) } group by ?s_suppkey2 } } } filter (?total_revenue = ?maxtotal) } order by ?s_suppkey
select ?p_brand, ?p_type, ?p_size, (count(distinct ?supp)) as ?supplier_cnt where { ?ps ltpch:partsupplier_part_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_type ?p_type ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_size ?p_size ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?supp . filter ( (?p_brand != "%BRAND%") && !(?p_type like "%TYPE%%") && (xsd:integer(?p_size) in (%SIZE1%, %SIZE2%, %SIZE3%, %SIZE4%, %SIZE5%, %SIZE6%, %SIZE7%, %SIZE8%)) ) filter NOT EXISTS { ?ps ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_comment ?badcomment . filter (?badcomment like "%Customer%Complaints%") } } group by ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size order by desc ((count(distinct ?supp))) ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) / 7.0) as ?avg_yearly) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?p_partkey. { select ?p_partkey ((0.2 * avg(xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity))) as ?threshold) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_container ?p_container ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_brand ?p_brand . filter (REGEX(?p_brand,"%BRAND%","i") && ?p_container = "%CONTAINER%" ) } group by ?p_partkey } filter (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < xsd:decimal(?threshold)) }
select ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?l_quantity) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_order_ordertotalprice ?o_ordertotalprice ; ltpch:order_customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:order_customer_name ?c_name . { select ?o_orderkey (sum (xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity)) as ?sum_q) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?o_orderkey . } group by ?o_orderkey } . filter (?sum_q > %QUANTITY%) } group by ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice order by desc (?o_ordertotalprice) ?o_orderdate limit 100
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipinstruct ?l_shipinstruct ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_size ?p_size ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_container ?p_container . filter (?l_shipmode in ("AIR", "AIR REG") && ?l_shipinstruct = "DELIVER IN PERSON" && ( ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND1%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("SM CASE", "SM BOX", "SM PACK", "SM PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY1%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY1% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 5) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND2%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("MED BAG", "MED BOX", "MED PKG", "MED PACK")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY2%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY2% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 10) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND3%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("LG CASE", "LG BOX", "LG PACK", "LG PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY3%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY3% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 15) ) ) ) }
select distinct ?s_name ?s_address where { ?supp ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_address ?s_address . { select distinct ?suppkey where { ?li ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_availqty ?big_ps_availqty ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?partkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?n_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_name ?p_name . FILTER(REGEX (?p_name , "^%COLOR%") && ?n_name = "%NATION%") . { select ?suppkey ?partkey ((0.5 * sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))) as ?qty_threshold) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?partkey ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity . FILTER ((xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:dateTime("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:dateTime(?l_shipdate) < xsd:dateTime(bif:dateadd ("year", 1, "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date))) ) } group by ?suppkey ?partkey } . FILTER(xsd:decimal(?big_ps_availqty) > ?qty_threshold) . } } } order by ?s_name
select ?s_name ((count(1)) as ?numwait) where { ?li1 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l1_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l1_commitdate ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?n_name ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey ; ltpch:order_order_orderstatus ?o_orderstatus . filter ( xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l1_receiptdate) > xsd:dateTime(?l1_commitdate)) && ?n_name = "%NATION%" && ?o_orderstatus = "F" ) filter exists { ?li2 ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey2 . filter (?suppkey != ?suppkey2) } filter not exists { ?li3 ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l3_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l3_commitdate ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey3 . filter ( xsd:boolean(xsd:dateTime(?l3_receiptdate) > xsd:dateTime(?l3_commitdate)) && ?suppkey3 != ?suppkey ) } } group by ?s_name order by desc (count(1)) ?s_name limit 100
select (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2)) as ?cntrycode, (count (1)) as ?numcust, sum (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal)) as ?totacctbal where { ?cust ltpch:order_customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:order_customer_phone ?c_phone . { select (avg(?acctbal2)) as ?acctbal_threshold where { select (avg (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2))) as ?acctbal2 where { ?li ltpch:order_customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal2 ; ltpch:order_customer_custkey ?custkey2 ; ltpch:order_customer_phone ?c_phone2 . filter ((xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2) > 0.00) && bif:LEFT (?c_phone2, 2) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) ) } group by ?custkey2 } } filter ( bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) && (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal) > ?acctbal_threshold ) ) filter not exists { ?cust ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey } } group by (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2)) order by (bif:LEFT (?c_phone, 2))
prefix xsd: <> prefix ltpch: <>
select ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?sum_qty) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) as ?sum_base_price) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?sum_disc_price) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*(1 + xsd:decimal(?l_linetax))) as ?sum_charge) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?avg_qty) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) as ?avg_price) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) as ?avg_disc) (count(1) as ?count_order) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_linestatus ?l_linestatus ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linetax ?l_linetax ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . filter (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) <= ("1998-12-01"^^xsd:date + "-P%DELTA%D"^^xsd:duration)) } group by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus order by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus
select ?s_acctbal ?s_name ?nation_name ?p_partkey ?p_mfgr ?s_address ?s_phone ?s_comment where { ?ps a ltpch:partsupp; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp; ltpch:ps_has_part ?part ; ltpch:ps_supplycost ?minsc . ?supp a ltpch:supplier ; ltpch:s_acctbal ?s_acctbal ; ltpch:s_name ?s_name ; ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_has_nation ; ltpch:s_address ?s_address ; ltpch:s_phone ?s_phone ; ltpch:s_comment ?s_comment . ?s_has_nation ltpch:n_name ?nation_name ; ltpch:n_has_region ?s_has_region . ?s_has_region ltpch:r_name "%REGION%" . ?part a ltpch:part ; ltpch:p_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:p_mfgr ?p_mfgr ; ltpch:p_size ?size ; ltpch:p_type ?p_type . FILTER (?size = str(%SIZE%) && fn:contains(?p_type, "%TYPE%")) { select ?part (min(?s_cost) as ?minsc) where { ?ps a ltpch:partsupp; ltpch:ps_has_part ?part; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?ms; ltpch:ps_supplycost ?s_cost . ?ms ltpch:s_has_nation ?m_has_nation . ?m_has_nation ltpch:n_has_region ?m_has_region . ?m_has_region ltpch:r_name "%REGION%" . } group by ?part } } order by desc (?s_acctbal) ?nation_name ?s_name ?p_partkey limit 100
select ?o_orderkey (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . ?ord ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:o_shippriority ?o_shippriority ; ltpch:o_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust . ?cust ltpch:c_mktsegment ?c_mktsegment . filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < "%DATE%"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) > "%DATE%"^^xsd:date) && (?c_mktsegment = "%SEGMENT%") ) } group by ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority order by desc (sum (xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) ?o_orderdate limit 10
select ?o_orderpriority (count(*) as ?order_count) where { { select distinct ?o_orderpriority ?ord where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate . ?ord ltpch:o_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority ; ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter ( (xsd:date(?l_commitdate) < xsd:date(?l_receiptdate)) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < ("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration)) ) } } } group by ?o_orderpriority order by ?o_orderpriority
select ?nation (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust ; ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_nation . ?s_nation ltpch:n_has_region ?s_region ; ltpch:n_name ?nation . ?s_region ltpch:r_name ?r_name . ?cust ltpch:c_has_nation ?c_nation. filter ((?c_nation = ?s_nation) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < ("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) && (?r_name = "%REGION%") ) } group by ?nation order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))))
select (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . filter ( (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration )) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) >= %DISCOUNT% - 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) <= %DISCOUNT% + 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < %QUANTITY%) ) }
select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year (sum (?volume) as ?revenue) where { { select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust . ?cust ltpch:c_has_nation ?custn . ?custn ltpch:n_name ?cust_nation . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_has_nation ?suppn . ?suppn ltpch:n_name ?supp_nation . BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?l_shipdate), 1,4) as ?li_year) filter (xsd:boolean( (?cust_nation = "%NATION1%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION2%") || (?cust_nation = "%NATION2%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION1%") ) && xsd:boolean(xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && xsd:boolean(xsd:date(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:date("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date)) ) } } } group by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year order by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year
select ?o_year ((?sum1 / ?sum2) as ?mkt_share) where { { select ?o_year (sum (?volume * xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?nation, "%NATION%"))) as ?sum1) (sum (?volume) as ?sum2) where { { select ((YEAR (xsd:date(?o_orderdate))) as ?o_year) ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) ?nation where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?s_supplier . ?s_supplier ltpch:s_has_nation ?n2 . ?n2 ltpch:n_name ?nation . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . ?part ltpch:p_type ?type . ?ord ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:o_has_customer ?c_customer . ?c_customer ltpch:c_has_nation ?n_nation . ?n_nation ltpch:n_has_region ?r_region . ?r_region ltpch:r_name ?region. filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:date("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) <= xsd:date("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date)) && (?region = "%REGION%") && (?type = "%TYPE%") ) } } } group by ?o_year } } order by ?o_year
select ?nation ?o_year (sum(?amount) as ?sum_profit) where { { select ?nation ?o_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) - xsd:decimal(?ps_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?amount) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_nation . ?s_nation ltpch:n_name ?nation . ?ord ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate . ?ps ltpch:ps_supplycost ?ps_supplycost . ?part ltpch:p_name ?p_name . filter (REGEX (?p_name, "%COLOR%")) BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?o_orderdate), 1,4) as ?o_year) } } } group by ?nation ?o_year order by ?nation desc (?o_year)
select ?c_custkey ?c_companyName (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust ; ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate . ?cust ltpch:c_address ?c_address ; ltpch:c_phone ?c_phone ; ltpch:c_comment ?c_comment ; ltpch:c_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:c_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:c_has_nation ?c_nation ; ltpch:c_name ?c_companyName . ?c_nation ltpch:n_name ?nation . filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration)) && (?l_returnflag = "R") ) } group by ?c_custkey ?c_companyName ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) limit 20
select ?bigpspart ?bigpsvalue where { { select ?bigpspart (sum(xsd:decimal(?b_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?b_availqty)) as ?bigpsvalue) where { ?bigps a ltpch:partsupp ; ltpch:ps_has_part ?bigpspart ; ltpch:ps_supplycost ?b_supplycost ; ltpch:ps_availqty ?b_availqty ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?b_supplier . ?b_supplier ltpch:s_has_nation ?b_nation . ?b_nation ltpch:n_name "%NATION%" . } group by ?bigpspart } { select (sum(xsd:decimal(?t_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?t_availqty)) * %FRACTION% as ?threshold) where { ?thr_ps a ltpch:partsupp ; ltpch:ps_supplycost ?t_supplycost ; ltpch:ps_availqty ?t_availqty ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?t_supplier . ?t_supplier ltpch:s_has_nation ?t_nation . ?t_nation ltpch:n_name "%NATION%" . } } filter (?bigpsvalue > ?threshold ) } order by desc (?bigpsvalue)
select ?l_shipmode (sum ( xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT") || fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?high_line_count) (sum (1 - xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT") || fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?low_line_count) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . ?ord ltpch:o_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority . filter (?l_shipmode in ("%SHIPMODE1%", "%SHIPMODE2%") && (xsd:date(?l_commitdate) < xsd:date(?l_receiptdate)) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date(?l_commitdate)) && (xsd:date(?l_receiptdate) >= "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_receiptdate) < ("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) ) } group by ?l_shipmode order by ?l_shipmode
select ?c_count (count(1) as ?custdist) where { { select ?c_custkey (count (?ord) as ?c_count) where { ?cust ltpch:c_custkey ?c_custkey . optional { ?ord a ltpch:orders ; ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust ; ltpch:o_comment ?o_comment . filter (!( REGEX (?o_comment , "%WORD1%.*%WORD2%" ) ) ) . } } group by ?c_custkey } } group by ?c_count order by desc (count(1)) desc (?c_count)
select ((100 * sum(xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?p_type, "PROMO")) * xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (xsd:decimal(1) - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) / sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (xsd:decimal(1) - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?promo_revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . ?part ltpch:p_type ?p_type . filter (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P1M"^^xsd:duration)) ) }
select ?s_suppkey ?s_name ?s_address ?s_phone ?total_revenue where { ?supplier a ltpch:supplier ; ltpch:s_suppkey ?s_suppkey ; ltpch:s_name ?s_name ; ltpch:s_address ?s_address ; ltpch:s_phone ?s_phone . { select ?supplier (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_discount))) as ?total_revenue) where { ?li1 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps1 . ?ps1 ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supplier . filter ( xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration) ) } group by ?supplier } { select (max (?l2_total_revenue) as ?maxtotal) where { { select ?supplier2 (sum(xsd:decimal(?l2_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l2_discount))) as ?l2_total_revenue) where { ?li2 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l2_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l2_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l2_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supplier2 . filter ( xsd:date(?l2_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:date(?l2_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration) ) } group by ?supplier2 } } } filter (?total_revenue = ?maxtotal) } order by ?supplier
select ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size (count(distinct ?supp) as ?supplier_cnt) where { ?ps a ltpch:partsupp ; ltpch:ps_has_part ?part ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?part ltpch:p_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:p_type ?p_type ; ltpch:p_size ?p_size . filter ( (?p_brand != "%BRAND%") && !(fn:starts-with(?p_type,"%TYPE%")) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) in (%SIZE1%, %SIZE2%, %SIZE3%, %SIZE4%, %SIZE5%, %SIZE6%, %SIZE7%, %SIZE8%)) ) filter NOT EXISTS { ?supp a ltpch:supplier; ltpch:s_comment ?badcomment . filter ( fn:matches (?badcomment ,"Customer.*Complaints") ) } } group by ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size order by desc ((count(distinct ?supp))) ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) / 7.0) as ?avg_yearly) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . ?part ltpch:p_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:p_container ?p_container . { select ?part ((0.2 * avg(xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity))) as ?threshold) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . } group by ?part } filter (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < ?threshold && REGEX(?p_brand,"%BRAND%","i") && ?p_container = "%CONTAINER%") }
select ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?l_quantity) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . ?ord ltpch:o_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:o_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:o_ordertotalprice ?o_ordertotalprice ; ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust . ?cust ltpch:c_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:c_name ?c_name . { select ?ord (sum (xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity)) as ?sum_q) where { ?li2 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . } group by ?ord } . filter (xsd:decimal(?sum_q) > xsd:decimal(%QUANTITY%)) } group by ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice order by desc (?o_ordertotalprice) ?o_orderdate limit 100
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipinstruct ?l_shipinstruct ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part . ?part ltpch:p_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:p_size ?p_size ; ltpch:p_container ?p_container . filter (?l_shipmode in ("AIR", "AIR REG") && ?l_shipinstruct = "DELIVER IN PERSON" && ( ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND1%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("SM CASE", "SM BOX", "SM PACK", "SM PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY1%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= (%QUANTITY1% + 10)) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 5) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND2%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("MED BAG", "MED BOX", "MED PKG", "MED PACK")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY2%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= (%QUANTITY2% + 10)) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 10) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND3%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("LG CASE", "LG BOX", "LG PACK", "LG PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY3%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= (%QUANTITY3% + 10)) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 15) ) ) ) }
select ?s_name ?s_address where { ?supp ltpch:s_name ?s_name ; ltpch:s_address ?s_address . { select distinct ?supp where { ?big_ps ltpch:ps_has_part ?part ; ltpch:ps_availqty ?big_ps_availqty ; ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_nation . ?s_nation ltpch:n_name ?n_name . ?part ltpch:p_name ?p_name . filter (REGEX (?p_name , "^%COLOR%") && ?n_name = "%NATION%" && xsd:decimal(?big_ps_availqty) > ?qty_threshold) { select ((0.5 * sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))) as ?qty_threshold) ?big_ps where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?big_ps . filter ((xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) ) } group by ?big_ps } } } } order by ?s_name
select ?s_name (count(1) as ?numwait) where { ?li1 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l1_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l1_commitdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . ?ps ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp . ?supp ltpch:s_name ?s_name ; ltpch:s_has_nation ?s_nation . ?ord ltpch:o_orderstatus ?orderstatus . ?s_nation ltpch:n_name ?name filter ( xsd:date(?l1_receiptdate) > xsd:date(?l1_commitdate) && ?name = "%NATION%" && ?orderstatus = "F" ) filter exists { ?li2 ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp2 . filter (?supp != ?supp2) } filter not exists { ?li3 ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l3_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l3_commitdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps3 . ?ps3 ltpch:ps_has_supplier ?supp3 . filter ( xsd:date(?l3_receiptdate) > xsd:date(?l3_commitdate) && ?supp3 != ?supp ) } } group by ?s_name order by desc (count(1)) ?s_name limit 100
select ?cntrycode (count (1) as ?numcust) (sum (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal)) as ?totacctbal) where { ?cust a ltpch:customer ; ltpch:c_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:c_phone ?c_phone . BIND (fn:substring(?c_phone,0, 3) as ?cntrycode) { select (avg (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2)) as ?acctbal_threshold) where { ?cust2 a ltpch:customer ; ltpch:c_acctbal ?c_acctbal2 ; ltpch:c_phone ?c_phone2 . filter ((xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2) > 0.00) && fn:substring(?c_phone2,0, 3) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) ) } } filter ( ?cntrycode in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) && (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal) > ?acctbal_threshold ) ) filter not exists { ?ord ltpch:o_has_customer ?cust } } group by ?cntrycode order by ?cntrycode
prefix xsd: <> prefix ltpch: <>
select ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?sum_qty) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) as ?sum_base_price) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?sum_disc_price) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*(1 + xsd:decimal(?l_linetax))) as ?sum_charge) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?avg_qty) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) as ?avg_price) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) as ?avg_disc) (count(1) as ?count_order) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_linestatus ?l_linestatus ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linetax ?l_linetax ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . filter (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) <= ("1998-12-01"^^xsd:date + "-P%DELTA%D"^^xsd:duration)) } group by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus order by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus
select ?s_acctbal ?s_name ?nation_name ?p_partkey ?p_mfgr ?s_address ?s_phone ?s_comment where { ?ps ltpch:supplier_acctbal ?s_acctbal ; ltpch:supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:supplier_address ?s_address ; ltpch:supplier_phone ?s_phone ; ltpch:supplier_comment ?s_comment ; ltpch:nation_name ?nation_name ; ltpch:region_name "%REGION%" ; ltpch:part_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:part_mfgr ?p_mfgr ; ltpch:part_size ?size ; ltpch:part_type ?p_type . FILTER (?size = str(%SIZE%) && fn:contains(?p_type, "%TYPE%")) { select ?p_partkey (min(?s_cost) as ?minsc) where { ?ps ltpch:part_partkey ?p_partkey; ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?s_cost ; ltpch:region_name ?region2 . filter (?region2 = "%REGION%") } group by ?p_partkey } } order by desc (?s_acctbal) ?nation_name ?s_name ?p_partkey limit 100
select ?o_orderkey (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_shippriority ?o_shippriority ; ltpch:order_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:customer_mktsegment ?c_mktsegment . filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < "%DATE%"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) > "%DATE%"^^xsd:date) && (?c_mktsegment = "%SEGMENT%") ) } group by ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority order by desc (sum (xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) ?o_orderdate limit 10
select ?o_orderpriority (count(*) as ?order_count) where { { select distinct ?o_orderpriority ?ordkey where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate . ?ord ltpch:order_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority ; ltpch:order_orderkey ?ordkey ; ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter ( (xsd:date(?l_commitdate) < xsd:date(?l_receiptdate)) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < ("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration)) ) } } } group by ?o_orderpriority order by ?o_orderpriority
select ?nation (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:nation_name ?c_nation . ?ps ltpch:nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:region_name ?r_name . filter ((?c_nation = ?nation) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < ("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) && (?r_name = "%REGION%") ) } group by ?nation order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))))
select (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . filter ( (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= ("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) >= %DISCOUNT% - 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) <= %DISCOUNT% + 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < %QUANTITY%) ) }
select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year (sum (xsd:decimal(?volume)) as ?revenue) where { { select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:nation_name ?cust_nation . ?ps ltpch:nation_name ?supp_nation . BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?l_shipdate), 1,4) as ?li_year) filter (xsd:boolean( (?cust_nation = "%NATION1%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION2%") || (?cust_nation = "%NATION2%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION1%") ) && xsd:boolean(xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && xsd:boolean(xsd:date(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:date("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date)) ) } } } group by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year order by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year
select ?o_year ((?sum1 / ?sum2) as ?mkt_share) where { { select ?o_year (sum (?volume * xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?nation, "%NATION%"))) as ?sum1) (sum (?volume) as ?sum2) where { { select ((YEAR(xsd:date(?o_orderdate))) as ?o_year) ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) ?nation where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ps ltpch:nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:part_type ?type . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:region_name ?region . filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= "1995-01-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) <= "1996-12-31"^^xsd:date) && (?region = "%REGION%") && (?type = "%TYPE%") ) } } } group by ?o_year } } order by ?o_year
select ?nation ?o_year (sum(?amount) as ?sum_profit) where { { select ?nation ?o_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) - xsd:decimal(?ps_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?amount) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ps ltpch:nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?ps_supplycost ; ltpch:part_name ?p_name . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter (REGEX (?p_name, "%COLOR%")) BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?o_orderdate), 1,4) as ?o_year) } } } group by ?nation ?o_year order by ?nation desc (?o_year)
select ?c_custkey ?c_companyName (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . ?ord ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:customer_address ?c_address ; ltpch:customer_phone ?c_phone ; ltpch:customer_comment ?c_comment ; ltpch:customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:customer_name ?c_companyName ; ltpch:nation_name ?nation . filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration)) && (?l_returnflag = "R") ) } group by ?c_custkey ?c_companyName ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) limit 20
select ?bigpspart ?bigpsvalue where { { select ?bigpspart (sum(xsd:decimal(?b_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?b_availqty)) as ?bigpsvalue) where { ?bigps ltpch:part_partkey ?bigpspart ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?b_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_availqty ?b_availqty ; ltpch:nation_name "%NATION%" . } group by ?bigpspart } { select (sum(xsd:decimal(?t_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?t_availqty)) * %FRACTION% as ?threshold) where { ?thr_ps ltpch:partsupplier_supplycost ?t_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_availqty ?t_availqty ; ltpch:nation_name "%NATION%" . } } filter (?bigpsvalue > ?threshold ) } order by desc (?bigpsvalue)
select ?l_shipmode (sum ( xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT") || fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?high_line_count) (sum (1 - xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT") || fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?low_line_count) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . ?ord ltpch:order_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority . filter (?l_shipmode in ("%SHIPMODE1%", "%SHIPMODE2%") && (xsd:date(?l_commitdate) < xsd:date(?l_receiptdate)) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date(?l_commitdate)) && (xsd:date(?l_receiptdate) >= "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_receiptdate) < ("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) ) } group by ?l_shipmode order by ?l_shipmode
select ?c_count (count(1) as ?custdist) where { { select ?c_custkey (count (?o_comment) as ?c_count) where { ?ord ltpch:customer_custkey ?c_custkey . optional { ?ord ltpch:order_comment ?o_comment . filter (!( REGEX (?o_comment , "%WORD1%.*%WORD2%" ) ) ) . } } group by ?c_custkey } } group by ?c_count order by desc (count(1)) desc (?c_count)
select ((100 * sum(xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?p_type, "PROMO")) * xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (xsd:decimal(1) - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) / sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (xsd:decimal(1) - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?promo_revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?part . ?part ltpch:part_type ?p_type . filter (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P1M"^^xsd:duration)) ) }
select distinct ?s_suppkey ?s_name ?s_address ?s_phone ?total_revenue where { ?partsupp ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey ; ltpch:supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:supplier_address ?s_address ; ltpch:supplier_phone ?s_phone . { select ?s_suppkey ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_discount)))) as ?total_revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey . filter ( xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration) ) } group by ?s_suppkey } . { select (max (?l2_total_revenue) as ?maxtotal) where { { select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l2_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l2_discount)))) as ?l2_total_revenue) where { ?li2 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l2_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l2_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l2_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey2 . filter ( xsd:date(?l2_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:date(?l2_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration) ) } group by ?s_suppkey2 } } } filter (?total_revenue = ?maxtotal) } order by ?s_suppkey
select ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size (count(distinct ?supp) as ?supplier_cnt) where { ?ps ltpch:part_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:part_type ?p_type ; ltpch:part_size ?p_size ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?supp . filter ( (?p_brand != "%BRAND%") && !(fn:starts-with(?p_type,"%TYPE%")) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) in (%SIZE1%, %SIZE2%, %SIZE3%, %SIZE4%, %SIZE5%, %SIZE6%, %SIZE7%, %SIZE8%)) ) filter NOT EXISTS { ?supp a ltpch:supplier; ltpch:s_comment ?badcomment . filter ( fn:matches (?badcomment ,"Customer.*Complaints") ) } } group by ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size order by desc ((count(distinct ?supp))) ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) / 7.0) as ?avg_yearly) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps . ?ps ltpch:part_partkey ?p_partkey. { select ?p_partkey ((0.2 * avg(xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity))) as ?threshold) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:part_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:part_container ?p_container ; ltpch:part_brand ?p_brand . } group by ?p_partkey } filter (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < ?threshold && REGEX(?p_brand,"%BRAND%","i") && ?p_container = "%CONTAINER%") }
select ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?l_quantity) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . ?ord ltpch:order_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_ordertotalprice ?o_ordertotalprice ; ltpch:customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:customer_name ?c_name . { select ?ord (sum (xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity)) as ?sum_q) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . } group by ?ord } . filter (xsd:decimal(?sum_q) > xsd:decimal(%QUANTITY%)) } group by ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice order by desc (?o_ordertotalprice) ?o_orderdate limit 100
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipinstruct ?l_shipinstruct . ?ps ltpch:part_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:part_size ?p_size ; ltpch:part_container ?p_container . filter (?l_shipmode in ("AIR", "AIR REG") && ?l_shipinstruct = "DELIVER IN PERSON" && ( ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND1%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("SM CASE", "SM BOX", "SM PACK", "SM PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY1%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY1% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 5) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND2%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("MED BAG", "MED BOX", "MED PKG", "MED PACK")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY2%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY2% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 10) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND3%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("LG CASE", "LG BOX", "LG PACK", "LG PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY3%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY3% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 15) ) ) ) }
select distinct ?s_name ?s_address where { ?supp ltpch:supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:supplier_address ?s_address . { select distinct ?suppkey where { ?big_ps ltpch:partsupplier_availqty ?big_ps_availqty ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:nation_name ?n_name ; ltpch:part_name ?p_name . filter (REGEX (?p_name , "^%COLOR%") && ?n_name = "%NATION%" && xsd:decimal(?big_ps_availqty) > ?qty_threshold) { select ?big_ps ((0.5 * sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))) as ?qty_threshold) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?big_ps . filter ((xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) ) } group by ?big_ps } . } } } order by ?s_name
select ?s_name ((count(1)) as ?numwait) where { ?li1 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l1_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l1_commitdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_has_order ?ord . ?ps ltpch:supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:nation_name ?n_name . ?ord ltpch:order_orderstatus ?o_orderstatus . filter ( xsd:date(?l1_receiptdate) > xsd:date(?l1_commitdate) && ?n_name = "%NATION%" && ?o_orderstatus = "F" ) filter exists { ?li2 ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 . ?ps2 ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey2 . filter (?suppkey != ?suppkey2) } filter not exists { ?li3 ltpch:l_has_order ?ord ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l3_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l3_commitdate ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps3 . ?ps3 ltpch:supplier_suppkey ?suppkey3 . filter ( xsd:date(?l3_receiptdate) > xsd:date(?l3_commitdate) && ?suppkey3 != ?suppkey ) } } group by ?s_name order by desc (count(1)) ?s_name limit 100
select ?cntrycode (count (1) as ?numcust) (sum (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal)) as ?totacctbal) where { ?cust ltpch:customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:customer_phone ?c_phone . BIND (fn:substring(?c_phone,0, 3) as ?cntrycode) { select (avg (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2)) as ?acctbal_threshold) where { ?cust2 ltpch:customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal2 ; ltpch:customer_phone ?c_phone2 . filter ((xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2) > 0.00) && fn:substring(?c_phone2,0, 3) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) ) } } filter ( ?cntrycode in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) && (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal) > ?acctbal_threshold ) ) filter not exists { ?cust ltpch:order_orderkey ?orderkey } } group by ?cntrycode order by ?cntrycode
prefix qb4o: <> prefix qb: <> prefix ltpch: <> prefix xsd: <> prefix fn: <>
select ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?sum_qty) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) as ?sum_base_price) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?sum_disc_price) (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))*(1 + xsd:decimal(?l_linetax))) as ?sum_charge) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?avg_qty) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) as ?avg_price) (avg(xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) as ?avg_disc) (count(1) as ?count_order) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_linestatus ?l_linestatus ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linetax ?l_linetax ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount . filter (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) <= ("1998-12-01"^^xsd:date + "-P%DELTA%D"^^xsd:duration)) } group by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus order by ?l_returnflag ?l_linestatus
select distinct ?s_acctbal ?s_name ?nation_name ?p_partkey ?p_mfgr ?s_address ?s_phone ?s_comment where { ?li ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?minsc ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_acctbal ?s_acctbal ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_address ?s_address ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_phone ?s_phone ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_comment ?s_comment ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?nation_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_region_name "%REGION%" ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_mfgr ?p_mfgr ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_size ?size ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_type ?p_type . FILTER (?size = str(%SIZE%) && fn:contains(?p_type, "%TYPE%")) { select ?p_partkey (min(?s_cost) as ?minsc) where { ?li ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?p_partkey; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?s_cost ; ltpch:partsupplier_region_name ?region2 . filter (?region2 = "%REGION%") } group by ?p_partkey } } order by desc (?s_acctbal) ?nation_name ?s_name ?p_partk
select ?o_orderkey (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)*(1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_order_shippriority ?o_shippriority ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:order_customer_mktsegment ?c_mktsegment . filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < "%DATE%"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) > "%DATE%"^^xsd:date) && (?c_mktsegment = "%SEGMENT%") ) } group by ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_shippriority order by desc (sum (xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) ?o_orderdate limit 10
select ?o_orderpriority (count(*) as ?order_count) where { { select distinct ?o_orderpriority ?ordkey where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate ; ltpch:order_order_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?ordkey ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter ( (xsd:date(?l_commitdate) < xsd:date(?l_receiptdate)) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= "%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < ("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration)) ) } } } group by ?o_orderpriority order by ?o_orderpriority
select ?nation (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_nation_name ?c_nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_region_name ?r_name . filter ((?c_nation = ?nation) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < ("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) && (?r_name = "%REGION%") ) } group by ?nation order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))))
select (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate . filter ( (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) >= %DISCOUNT% - 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount) <= %DISCOUNT% + 0.01) && (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < %QUANTITY%) ) }
select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year (sum (xsd:decimal(?volume)) as ?revenue) where { { select ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:order_nation_name ?cust_nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?supp_nation . BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?l_shipdate), 1,4) as ?li_year) filter (xsd:boolean( (?cust_nation = "%NATION1%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION2%") || (?cust_nation = "%NATION2%" && ?supp_nation = "%NATION1%") ) && xsd:boolean(xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && xsd:boolean(xsd:date(?l_shipdate) <= xsd:date("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date)) ) } } } group by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year order by ?supp_nation ?cust_nation ?li_year
select ?o_year ((?sum1 / ?sum2) as ?mkt_share) where { { select ?o_year (sum (?volume * xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?nation, "%NATION%"))) as ?sum1) (sum (?volume) as ?sum2) where { { select ((YEAR(xsd:date(?o_orderdate))) as ?o_year) ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?volume) ?nation where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_type ?type ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_region_name ?region . filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:date("1995-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) <= xsd:date("1996-12-31"^^xsd:date)) && (?region = "%REGION%") && (?type = "%TYPE%") ) } } } group by ?o_year } } order by ?o_year
select ?nation ?o_year (sum(?amount) as ?sum_profit) where { { select ?nation ?o_year ((xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)) - xsd:decimal(?ps_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?amount) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?nation ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?ps_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_name ?p_name ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate . filter (REGEX (?p_name, "%COLOR%")) BIND (SUBSTR(STR(?o_orderdate), 1,4) as ?o_year) } } } group by ?nation ?o_year order by ?nation desc (?o_year)
select ?c_custkey ?c_companyName (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) as ?revenue) ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_returnflag ?l_returnflag ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_customer_address ?c_address ; ltpch:order_customer_phone ?c_phone ; ltpch:order_customer_comment ?c_comment ; ltpch:order_customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:order_customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:order_customer_name ?c_companyName ; ltpch:order_nation_name ?nation . filter ((xsd:date(?o_orderdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?o_orderdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration)) && (?l_returnflag = "R") ) } group by ?c_custkey ?c_companyName ?c_acctbal ?nation ?c_address ?c_phone ?c_comment order by desc (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) limit 20
select ?bigpspart ?bigpsvalue where { { select ?bigpspart (sum(xsd:decimal(?b_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?b_availqty)) as ?bigpsvalue) where { ?bigps ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?bigpspart ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?b_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_availqty ?b_availqty ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name "%NATION%" . } group by ?bigpspart } { select (sum(xsd:decimal(?t_supplycost) * xsd:decimal(?t_availqty)) * %FRACTION% as ?threshold) where { ?thr_ps ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_supplycost ?t_supplycost ; ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_availqty ?t_availqty ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name "%NATION%" . } } filter (?bigpsvalue > ?threshold ) } order by desc (?bigpsvalue)
select ?l_shipmode (sum ( xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT") || fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?high_line_count) (sum (1 - xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "1-URGENT") || fn:starts-with(?o_orderpriority, "2-HIGH") ) ) as ?low_line_count) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l_commitdate ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:order_order_orderpriority ?o_orderpriority . filter (?l_shipmode in ("%SHIPMODE1%", "%SHIPMODE2%") && (xsd:date(?l_commitdate) < xsd:date(?l_receiptdate)) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date(?l_commitdate)) && (xsd:date(?l_receiptdate) >= "%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_receiptdate) < ("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) ) } group by ?l_shipmode order by ?l_shipmode
select ?c_count (count(1) as ?custdist) where { { select ?c_custkey (count (?orderkey) as ?c_count) where { { select distinct ?c_custkey where { ?li ltpch:order_customer_custkey ?c_custkey . } } optional { { select ?orderkey where { ?li2 ltpch:order_customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey ; ltpch:order_order_comment ?o_comment . filter (!( REGEX (?o_comment , "%WORD1%.*%WORD2%" ) ) ) . } group by ?orderkey } } } group by ?c_custkey } } group by ?c_count order by desc (count(1)) desc (?c_count)
select ((100 * sum(xsd:integer(fn:starts-with(?p_type, "PROMO")) * xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (xsd:decimal(1) - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount))) / sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (xsd:decimal(1) - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?promo_revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_type ?p_type . filter (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P1M"^^xsd:duration)) ) }
select distinct ?s_suppkey ?s_name ?s_address ?s_phone ?total_revenue where { ?partsupp ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_address ?s_address ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_phone ?s_phone . { select ?s_suppkey ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_discount)))) as ?total_revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey . filter ( xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration) ) } group by ?s_suppkey } . { select (max (?l2_total_revenue) as ?maxtotal) where { { select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l2_extendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l2_discount)))) as ?l2_total_revenue) where { ?li2 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l2_shipdate ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l2_extendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l2_discount ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps2 ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?s_suppkey2 . filter ( xsd:date(?l2_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date) && xsd:date(?l2_shipdate) < xsd:date("%MONTH%-01"^^xsd:date + "P3M"^^xsd:duration) ) } group by ?s_suppkey2 } } } filter (?total_revenue = ?maxtotal) } order by ?s_suppkey
select ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size (count(distinct ?supp) as ?supplier_cnt) where { ?ps ltpch:partsupplier_part_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_type ?p_type ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_size ?p_size ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?supp . filter ( (?p_brand != "%BRAND%") && !(fn:starts-with(?p_type,"%TYPE%")) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) in (%SIZE1%, %SIZE2%, %SIZE3%, %SIZE4%, %SIZE5%, %SIZE6%, %SIZE7%, %SIZE8%)) ) filter NOT EXISTS { ?supp a ltpch:supplier; ltpch:s_comment ?badcomment . filter ( fn:matches (?badcomment ,"Customer.*Complaints") ) } } group by ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size order by desc ((count(distinct ?supp))) ?p_brand ?p_type ?p_size
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice)) / 7.0) as ?avg_yearly) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_has_partsupplier ?ps ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?p_partkey. { select ?p_partkey ((0.2 * avg(xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity))) as ?threshold) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_partkey ?p_partkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_container ?p_container ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_brand ?p_brand . } group by ?p_partkey } filter (xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity) < ?threshold && REGEX(?p_brand,"%BRAND%","i") && ?p_container = "%CONTAINER%") }
select ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice (sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity)) as ?l_quantity) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?o_orderkey ; ltpch:order_order_orderdate ?o_orderdate ; ltpch:order_order_ordertotalprice ?o_ordertotalprice ; ltpch:order_customer_custkey ?c_custkey ; ltpch:order_customer_name ?c_name . { select ?o_orderkey (sum (xsd:decimal(?l2_linequantity)) as ?sum_q) where { ?li2 a ltpch:lineitem ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l2_linequantity ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?o_orderkey . } group by ?o_orderkey } . filter (xsd:decimal(?sum_q) > xsd:decimal(%QUANTITY%)) } group by ?c_name ?c_custkey ?o_orderkey ?o_orderdate ?o_ordertotalprice order by desc (?o_ordertotalprice) ?o_orderdate limit 100
select ((sum(xsd:decimal(?l_lineextendedprice) * (1 - xsd:decimal(?l_linediscount)))) as ?revenue) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_lineextendedprice ?l_lineextendedprice ; ltpch:l_linediscount ?l_linediscount ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity ; ltpch:l_shipmode ?l_shipmode ; ltpch:l_shipinstruct ?l_shipinstruct ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_brand ?p_brand ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_size ?p_size ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_container ?p_container . filter (?l_shipmode in ("AIR", "AIR REG") && ?l_shipinstruct = "DELIVER IN PERSON" && ( ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND1%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("SM CASE", "SM BOX", "SM PACK", "SM PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY1%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY1% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 5) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND2%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("MED BAG", "MED BOX", "MED PKG", "MED PACK")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY2%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY2% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 10) ) || ( (REGEX(?p_brand,"^%BRAND3%$","i")) && (?p_container in ("LG CASE", "LG BOX", "LG PACK", "LG PKG")) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) >= %QUANTITY3%) && (xsd:integer(?l_linequantity) <= %QUANTITY3% + 10) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) >= 1) && (xsd:integer(?p_size) <= 15) ) ) ) }
select distinct ?s_name ?s_address where { ?supp ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_address ?s_address . { select distinct ?suppkey where { ?li ltpch:partsupplier_partsupplier_availqty ?big_ps_availqty ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?n_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_part_name ?p_name . filter (REGEX (?p_name , "^%COLOR%") && ?n_name = "%NATION%" && xsd:decimal(?big_ps_availqty) > ?qty_threshold) { select ?li ((0.5 * sum(xsd:decimal(?l_linequantity))) as ?qty_threshold) where { ?li qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_shipdate ?l_shipdate ; ltpch:l_linequantity ?l_linequantity . filter ((xsd:date(?l_shipdate) >= xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date)) && (xsd:date(?l_shipdate) < xsd:date("%YEAR%-01-01"^^xsd:date + "P1Y"^^xsd:duration)) ) } group by ?li } . } } } order by ?s_name
select ?s_name ((count(1)) as ?numwait) where { ?li1 qb:dataSet ltpch:lineitemCube ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l1_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l1_commitdate ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_name ?s_name ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_nation_name ?n_name ; ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey ; ltpch:order_order_orderstatus ?o_orderstatus . filter ( xsd:date(?l1_receiptdate) > xsd:date(?l1_commitdate) && ?n_name = "%NATION%" && ?o_orderstatus = "F" ) filter exists { ?li2 ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey2 . filter (?suppkey != ?suppkey2) } filter not exists { ?li3 ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey ; ltpch:l_receiptdate ?l3_receiptdate ; ltpch:l_commitdate ?l3_commitdate ; ltpch:partsupplier_supplier_suppkey ?suppkey3 . filter ( xsd:date(?l3_receiptdate) > xsd:date(?l3_commitdate) && ?suppkey3 != ?suppkey ) } } group by ?s_name order by desc (count(1)) ?s_name limit 100
select ?cntrycode (count (1) as ?numcust) (sum (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal)) as ?totacctbal) where { ?cust ltpch:order_customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal ; ltpch:order_customer_phone ?c_phone . BIND (fn:substring(?c_phone,0, 3) as ?cntrycode) { select (avg (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2)) as ?acctbal_threshold) where { ?li ltpch:order_customer_acctbal ?c_acctbal2 ; ltpch:order_customer_phone ?c_phone2 . filter ((xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal2) > 0.00) && fn:substring(?c_phone2,0, 3) in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) ) } } filter ( ?cntrycode in (%COUNTRY_CODE_SET%) && (xsd:decimal(?c_acctbal) > ?acctbal_threshold ) ) filter not exists { ?cust ltpch:order_order_orderkey ?orderkey } } group by ?cntrycode order by ?cntrycode
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